Amazon - One of my Fav's!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shame on YOU Government

  • Shame on Wall Street for getting us into this mess - Greed runs all
  • Shame on us for not spending wisely
  • Shame on Congress for politicizing this to make sure they get their guy into office
  • Shame on the President ... they knew this was coming ...
  • Shame on creditors that KNEW they would create this mess but did it to line their own pockets...
The thing that makes this WORST OF ALL is our government heads and two-party dominant system that would rather see our entire economy fail and chaos and shambles if it means they can get their guy in office.

Check this out... Want to REALLY fix the economy?
  1. Let these banks fail, and criminally procesute the people that got them into this mess, don't give them a DIME for creating this
  2. If there is a bail-out, let it be to buy back CONSUMER debt and wipe the slate clean.
  3. Set a 10k limit on ANY credit card for a person, and require them to pay at least 10% of the balance every month - keep us OUT of significant debt
  4. With more money in our pockets and not paying these banks, we will spend, spend, spend and grow the economy from the inside out

This is ridiculous... and we should fire everyone in congress... every last hand-wringing, scheming, partisan fool out there, and start over...

Any person that desires to hold office should by no means be allowed to take it, and I think we should go back to the Roman Senate practice: You PAY for your seat at the Senate...

Never forget that governments serve because the people allow them to serve....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Poodlehead is Open Water Certified!

A few weeks ago, Poodlhead went to Huntsville and finished her open water scuba certification. This is her story....

Poodlehead has had some anxiety over this. My parents bought us both a full set of SCUBA gear last Christmas (including my 9 year old daughter), but it took until August for her to finally finish up her certification. I finished mine up earlier this year after MANY delays due to family illness, scheduling issues, etc. In fact, we were both scheduled to do it the same day, but Poodlehead got super-sick and couldn't dive. She was kind enough to let me go ahead and do it, but it still took months for her to finish as well :( She's not one for cold, dark places, and I had bragged about this awesome quarry up in Huntsville that is really warm, lots of neat fish, and GREAT visibility. She was finally convinced it would be OK to try it there, and off we went! Of course THAT day, visibility was HORRIBLE and temperature was starting to drop from previous highs... Now HUSBAND has anxiety that wife will flip.

She did fantastic, however, and handled the very poor visibility conditions like a champ, and I think all in all she really enjoyed it!

Poodlehead hanging out waiting to demonstrate some skills... Looks nice and relaxed!!

On the surface manually inflating BC after a simulated "emergency" ascent...
Removing and replacing her BC at the surface...
Underwater Dancing??

Instructor and Students - Thanks to Britt at!

"Shark Feeding" Huge catfish... we swam up to about 8' from the surface and my dad tossed in cat food to bring in the fish..

This is "Bob" he rules the roost.. you can identify Bob by the big patches of white scars on his top and side from growing up TO rule the roost... Unfortunately this picture doesn't show his battle scars.

Proud Hubby!

One of her fellow students acting out...

Hubby and his sister underwater...

Nana - Hubby's mother...