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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The US Constitution - Lest we Forget!

We all need to be reading this more frequently...

The Constitution of the United States of America, with the Bill of Rights and all of the Amendments; The Declaration of Independence; and the Articles of Confederation

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Viva la Revolucion!

Never would have thought a revolution was possible in our lifetime in the US. Now I am not so sure. A LOT of VERY conflicting, diametrically opposed opinions and views, and unhappy people in this country, and not a lot of signs of reconciliation. Seeds of discontent grow eventually grow roots.

To  broad brush a topic such as this with dogma and cliche does not do anyone justice, but the issues reach far beyond what can be written (and read) in a reasonable time.  In all reality, there are a lot of very controversial things going on and a policy of refusing any concession to the other political camp. This is a death spiral Coke-versus-Pepsi fight. I understand why strong-arm tactics are used because it sometimes is the ONLY way to break a log-jam, but I don't like them either way.

Governments FUNDAMENTALLY are not driven to create prosperity. Governments do not make money, governments do not provide returns to the people, governments SPEND money given to them through TAXATION. When decisions are driven by political motivations rather than common sense and reason, bad things will happen.

Government has no place in private industry in my opinion, their base mode of operation is to wrangle for political power, not to seek prosperity for all. Sweetheart deals to keep extremely poor performing automobile plants open in the interest of protecting a politician's reelection don't do anyone good.  Why are we being outperformed in much of the auto (and other) industries? We've allowed government to get involved, cutting political deals, that have dramatically NEGATIVE impacts on costs. Every time they touch an industry... well, let's just say it is the "Anti-Midas" touch.

If anyone thinks for one second that the government can fix the environment, fix the economy, or fix healthcare, they are flat wrong. The government can influence and enforce behaviors, but ultimately the power must reside with the people. Left to their own devices, people as a whole will naturally seek a path of most benefit to themselves - the fundamental principles that made our country great.

With things provided for you, people won't work and sit back and are content to live within the box provided for them by the gubberment.... When you introduce RISK (not being paid) to a person, they will naturally want to reduce that risk. And when rewarded for their work, they are more motivated to work more.

I don't for one second think the problems of this country are easy to solve, but I am quite certain that a government can not compel you to achieve, only to sustain.