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Thursday, July 10, 2008

End to a LOOONGG Week, and a question as to who REALLY holds the power in the US Government?

OK, I know it is only Thursday, but to me the week is already over. THAW and I started out Monday after a long holiday weekend (July 4th) by going to the Dave Matthews concert on Monday in Atlanta. After quite a long night, I had to get up early in the morning, tired and slightly hung-over, and catch a plane to Washington DC, leaving wifey to unfortunately have drive home by herself.

So, get to DC, and meet up with the guys from work. Well, we decide to go to a top notch DC steakhouse, and I can't even think about drinking more alcohol, so I opt for tea and water. Too MUCH tea and water and I end up wide awake until too late in the night! Caffeine..

Oh, and on top of that, my company and another are in a bit of a tizzy, and I'm stuck in the middle since I work for one (duh), and I'm good friends with the owner of another. Of course both of them call me continuously to get pissed off and yell at me, when I made it clear I would have NO part in that decision as I have a conflict of interest.

About to sit down to dinner, and after the 18th call from my friend, I decide I can't put it off so I answer with, "Bob (we'll call him Bob), I am about to sit down to dinner with colleagues, I have 30 seconds." 23.8776 minutes later, he is still ranting and raving, and I finally gather up the intestinal fortitude (despite being EMPTY), and tell him to piss off, I have to eat. Get back to one of the best steaks I ever had, and on top of that someone else picked up the tab! Thank goodness.

The next day, we spend all day in meeting on capitol hill. What a great experience that can be, walking underneath the bowels of the US capitol from meeting to meeting, taking the crazy trains under the US capitol, getting quizzed by endless security guards (we WERE in suit and ties, I can understand why they were suspicious), and talking to senate staffers, house staffers, senators, congressman, cleaning staff, the list goes on.

It strikes me at that very moment between one of the Senate buildings and House office buildings, walking through all of the support halls in the capital (where the food, post office, business offices, coffee services, etc are constantly buzzing like angry Africanized bees): Where is the REAL power in the US government?

Right there, my friends. Think about it... If they wanted to cause major problems, they could make it impossible for anything at all to get done (not like much happens anyway sometimes!) The could mess with the air conditioning, spike the food, forget ice in glasses, stop up the bathrooms, trip over TV cables, and all sort of general mayhem. When congress was working on something they likes, they could serve their favorite dishes, make the coffee just a bit better, pump more 02 into the rooms to make them happier, and perhaps even offer them foot massages....

My friends, that is real power, and it is not the suits we see constantly wrangling on C-SPAN