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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


OK... I woke up today and found my soap box conveniently stored under the bed for me. So, I got out, ran around the block five times, pushed the block back under the bed, and picked up my soapbox to face the day.

I was listening to some radio program yesterday talking about Obama's tax plans. There is this constant criticism of "the rich" and a socialist idea of "redistributing wealth." I don't care WHAT they call it, but if they look to increase taxes on those that have money, and have worked hard to get it, t only to give to those that supposedly "can not work," then that is.... ladies and gentlemen, socialism Of course that is only a bad thing to you if you don't like socialism. Never mind that it has NEVER worked in any regime so far. If you tax those that do well, making it harder for them to make money, they lose motivation to do so... but on to my next point.

This whole notion of tax breaks for corporations being, "evil." Wake the collective fuck up America. Businesses employ people. Successful businesses employ MORE people. MORE people employed means MORE people that can work, MORE wealth for all of us, and economic prosperity available to all. As the leader of a corporation, your ONLY job is to increase shareholder value. Companies do business where it is CHEAP to do business to maximize profits. Why are we sending more jobs to India, China, etc? Because its CHEAPER to do business there, because a bunch of bleeding heart whiny liberal idiots here have a notion that everyone by birthright should be in a fancy home, fat and happy with all the food they can eat, free medical care, and a high quality of life, all for doing nothing if they so choose to do so. Who pays for this? We do, the taxpayer. Taxpayers that have to pay more taxes have to make more money to maintain the standard of living to which they have EARNED. If they have to make more money, they have to work jobs that pay more, and if companies don't have to pay them more, they send those jobs overseas where it is cheaper, and then these people are out of a job, and the worthless deadbeats living off the fat of the land have less fat to live on.

Now, I am NOT insensitive. There are people that legitimately can NOT work. There are people that need help, and they should be encouraged to get it. I do not mind in the least helping out with this section of the society. But, don't make it so that too many people qualify. I read the other day that we are quickly hitting the point where more people than not are collecting government benefits. A matter of simple economics, pay out more money than you put in, you will go broke. Simple.

The next argument I am sure some are chomping to use: Big business is bad for the little guy. Well, this is the land of opportunity. The little guy or small business is only constrained by their own imagination and market choice.

If you choose to be a florist with 20 major florists in town and you have no differentiators, you are shot from the beginning. If you choose to go into left-handed-underwater-basket weaving, you are stupid to have gotten into that business. But, if you have a drive to be successful and be the best at what you can be, the big business BUY your brands and market position, and make you even more wealthy, you can then start a new business, hire more people, more people make more money, and everyone contributes to the greater good. Greater good is often used as a tenet of the socialist systems, but that is not possible if you are paying out more than you are taking in. Do the simple math. Right wing or left wing can not deny the laws of physics and the absolutes of earning and paying out money.

Yes, I agree.. sometimes commercialization looks rough, but keep in mind that the court of public opinion and market economics drives what companies should do. If their research says, "small-home-town-shops are the thing," then THAT is what they will build. The reason people go to chain stores... they save money, and they are easy. If I can get in, get out, and save a few $$, then I have more time w/ my family and more money in my pocket.

So, wake up, America. This idea of increasing taxes on the "wealthy" and the idea that we should get rid of tax cuts for big corporations... this is a terrible idea and an absolute death knell to a shaky economy. We should be motivating people to MAKE money right now, and making it easier and cheaper for businesses to DO business. That in turn creates more jobs, higher wages, and greater prosperity.

If some idiot in Congress or our executive branch is able to get through this "windfall profits" tax, or to establish "reasonable profits" for corporations... hold onto your hats. These are the greatest flops of a past administration (Carter, 1976-1980, who I respect as a statesman, but executive policy wasn't all that hot). If you make it MORE expensive for companies to do business here, they can not meet their bottom line objective, increase shareholder value. They will NOT sell oil and do business here in the US until we are paying $12/gallon.

Then, all the bleeding heart liberals and socialists can cry foul all the way to the unemployment line.

Wake up...